文档 / 语言手册 / Pattern Matching / Destructuring

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(These docs are equivalent to the old BuckleScript docs before the ReScript rebrand)

Pattern Matching / Destructuring

One of ReScript's best feature is our pattern matching. Pattern matching combines 3 brilliant features into one:

  • Destructuring.

  • switch based on shape of data.

  • Exhaustiveness check.

We'll dive into each aspect below.


Even JavaScript has destructuring, which is "opening up" a data structure to extract the parts we want and assign variable names to them:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
let coordinates = (10, 20, 30);
let (x, _, _) = coordinates;
Js.log(x); // 10

Destructuring works with most built-in data structures:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
// Record
type student = {name: string, age: int};
let student1 = {name: "John", age: 10};
let {name} = student1; // "John" assigned to `name`

// Variant
type result =
  | Success(string);
let myResult = Success("You did it!");
let Success(message) = myResult; // "You did it!" assigned to `message`

// Array
let myArray = [|1, 2, 3|];
let [|item1, item2, _|] = myArray; // 1 assigned to `item1`, 2 assigned to `item2`, 3rd item ignored

// List
let myList = [1, 2, 3];
let [head, ...tail] = myList; // 1 assigned to `head`, `[2, 3]` assigned to tail

You can also use destructuring anywhere you'd usually put a binding:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
type result =
  | Success(string);
let displayMessage = (Success(m)) => {
  // we've directly extracted the success message
  // string by destructuring the parameter
displayMessage(Success("You did it!"));

For a record, you can rename the field while destructuring:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
let {name: n} = student1; // "John" assigned to `n`

switch Based on Shape of Data

While the destructuring aspect of pattern matching is nice, it doesn't really change the way you think about structuring your code. One paradigm-changing way of thinking about your code is to execute some code based on the shape of the data.

Consider a variant:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
type payload =
  | BadResult(int)
  | GoodResult(string)
  | NoResult;

We'd like to handle each of the 3 cases differently. For example, print a success message if the value is GoodResult(...), do something else when the value is NoResult, etc.

In other languages, you'd end up with a series of if-elses that are hard to read and error-prone. In ReScript, you can instead use the supercharged switch pattern matching facility to destructure the value while calling the right code based on what you destructured:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
let data = GoodResult("Product shipped!");
switch (data) {
| GoodResult(theMessage) =>
  Js.log("Success! " ++ theMessage)
| BadResult(errorCode) =>
  Js.log("Something's wrong. The error code is: " ++ Js.Int.toString(errorCode))
| NoResult =>

In this case, message will have the value "Success! Product shipped!".

Suddenly, your if-elses that messily checks some structure of the value got turned into a clean, compiler-verified, linear list of code to execute based on exactly the shape of the value.

Complex Examples

Here's a real-world scenario that'd be a headache to code in other languages. Given this data structure:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
type status = Vacations(int) | Sabbatical(int) | Sick | Present;
type reportCard = {passing: bool, gpa: float};
type person =
  | Teacher({
    name: string,
    age: int,
  | Student({
    name: string,
    status: status,
    reportCard: reportCard,

Imagine this requirement:

  • Informally greet a person who's a teacher and if his name is Mary or Joe.

  • Greet other teachers formally.

  • If the person's a student, congratulate him/her score if they passed the semester.

  • If the student has a gpa of 0 and is on vacations or sabbatical, display a different message.

  • A catch-all message for a student.

ReScript can do this easily!

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
let message = switch (person1) {
| Teacher({name: "Mary" | "Joe"}) =>
  "Hey, still going to the party on Saturday?"
| Teacher({name}) =>
  // this is matched only if `name` isn't "Joe"
  {j|Hello $(name).|j}
| Student({name, reportCard: {passing: true, gpa}}) =>
  "Congrats " ++ name + ", nice GPA of " ++ Js.Float.toString(gpa) ++ " you got there!"
| Student({
    reportCard: {gpa: 0.0},
    status: Vacations(daysLeft) | Sabbatical(daysLeft)
  }) =>
  "Come back in " ++ Js.Int.toString(daysLeft) ++ " days!"
| Student({status: Sick}) =>
  "How are you feeling?"
| Student({name}) =>
  {j|Good luck next semester $(name)!|j}

Note how we've:

  • drilled deep down into the value concisely

  • using a nested pattern check "Mary" | "Joe" and Vacations | Sabbatical

  • while extracting the daysLeft number from the latter case

  • and assigned the greeting to the binding message.

Here's another example of pattern matching, this time on an inline tuple.

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
type animal = Dog | Cat | Bird;
let categoryId = switch (isBig, myAnimal) {
| (true, Dog) => 1
| (true, Cat) => 2
| (true, Bird) => 3
| (false, Dog | Cat) => 4
| (false, Bird) => 5

Note how pattern matching on a tuple is equivalent to a 2D table:

isBig \ myAnimalDogCatBird

Ignore Part of a Value

If you have a value like Teacher(payload) where you just want to pattern match on the Teacher part and ignore the payload completely, you can use the _ wildcard like this:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
switch (person) {
| Teacher(_) => Js.log("Hi teacher")
| Student(_) => Js.log("Hey student")

_ also works at the top level of the pattern like | _ => ... if you want to execute catch-all condition.

When Clause

Sometime, you want to check more than the shape of a value. You want to also run some arbitrary check on it. You might be tempted to write this:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
switch (person) {
| Teacher(_) => () // do nothing
| Student({reportCard: {gpa}}) =>
  if (gpa < 0.5) {
    Js.log("What's happening")
  } else {

switch patterns support a shortcut for the arbitrary if check, to keep your pattern linear-looking:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
switch (person) {
| Teacher(_) => () // do nothing
| Student({reportCard: {gpa}}) when gpa < 0.5 =>
  Js.log("What's happening");
| Student(_) =>
  // fall-through, catch-all case

Match on Exceptions

If the function throws an exception (covered later), you can also match on that, in addition to the function's normally returned values.

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
switch (List.find(i => i === theItem, myItems)) {
| item => Js.log(item)
| exception Not_found => Js.log("No such item found!")

Small Pitfall

Note: you can only pass literals (i.e. concrete values) as a pattern, not let-binding names or other things. The following doesn't work as expected:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
let coordinates = (10, 20, 30)
let centerY = 20
switch (coordinates) {
| (x, centerY, _) => /* code */

A first time ReScript user might accidentally write that code, assuming that it's matching on coordinates when the second value is of the same value as centerY. In reality, this is interpreted as matching on coordinates and assigning the second value of the tuple to the name centerY, which isn't what's intended.

Exhaustiveness Check

As if the above features aren't enough, ReScript also provides arguably the most important pattern matching feature: compile-time check of missing patterns.

Let's revisit one of the above examples:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
let message = switch (person) {
| Teacher({name: "Mary" | "Joe"}) =>
  "Hey, still going to the party on Saturday?"
| Student({name, reportCard: {passing: true, gpa}}) =>
  "Congrats " ++ name ++ ", nice GPA of " ++ Js.Float.toString(gpa) ++ " you got there!"
| Student({
    reportCard: {gpa: 0.0},
    status: Vacations(daysLeft) | Sabbatical(daysLeft)
  }) =>
  "Come back in " ++ Js.Int.toString(daysLeft) ++ " days!"
| Student({status: Sick}) =>
  "How are you feeling?"
| Student({name}) =>
  "Good luck next semester " ++ name ++ "!"

Did you see what we removed? This time, we've omitted the handling of the case where person is Teacher({name}) when name isn't Mary or Joe.

Failing to handle every scenario of a value likely constitutes the majority of program bugs out there. This happens very often when you refactor a piece of code someone else wrote. Fortunately for ReScript, the compiler will tell you so:

Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a value that is not matched: Some({name: ""})

BAM! You've just erased an entire category of important bugs before you even ran the code. In fact, this is how most of nullable values is handled:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
switch (myNullableValue) {
| Some(v) => Js.log("value is present")
| None => Js.log("value is absent")

If you don't handle the None case, the compiler warns. No more undefined bugs in your code!

Conclusion & Tips & Tricks

Hopefully you can see how pattern matching is a game changer for writing correct code, through the concise destructuring syntax, the proper conditions handling of switch, and the static exhaustiveness check.

Here are some advices.

Do not abuse the wildcard _ too much. This prevents the compiler from giving you better exhaustiveness check, which would be especially important after a refactoring where you add a new case to a variant. Try only using _ against infinite possibilities, e.g. string, int, etc.

Use when clause sparingly.

Flatten your pattern-match whenever you can. This is a real bug remover. Here's a series of examples, from worst to best:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
let optionBoolToBool = opt => {
  if (opt == None) {
  } else if (opt === Some(true)) {
  } else {

Now that's just silly =). Let's turn it into pattern-matching:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
let optionBoolToBool = opt => {
  switch (opt) {
  | None => false
  | Some(a) => a ? true : false

Slightly better, but still nested. Pattern-matching allows you to do this:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
let optionBoolToBool = opt => {
  switch (opt) {
  | None => false
  | Some(true) => true
  | Some(false) => false

Much more linear-looking! Now, you might be tempted to do this:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)JS Output
let optionBoolToBool = opt => {
  switch (opt) {
  | Some(true) => true
  | _ => false

Which is much more concise, but kills the exhaustiveness check mentioned above; refrain from using that. This is the best:

Reason (Old Syntax)ML (Older Syntax)
let optionBoolToBool opt =
  match opt with
  | Some trueOrFalse -> trueOrFalse
  | None -> false

Pretty darn hard to make a mistake in this code at this point! Whenever you'd like to use an if-else with many branches, prefer pattern matching instead. It's more concise and performant too.